Local Businesses Need a Google+ Local Page

As a part of your marketing strategy you need to have a Google local page. Google Local (formerly Google Places) is the web equivalent of the phone book. When Google translates a search as local in nature, these listings appear near the top of the search results. Local Listings are now part of Google Plus, enabling people to comment and vote on your business through their Google+ profiles. If you haven’t done so already, you’ll need to sign up for a personal Google+ account to create your...

Website Malware Removal

Website security has become a big issue lately. Several of my clients' WordPress and Joomla 1.5 sites have recently become targets. One website was infected with what appeared to be pixel sized dots at the top of its pages. These dots were actually iframes to random websites that were doing bad things. Another clients' website was repeatedly taken offline for no apparent reason, and after much work and everything appeared to be back to normal, we found that mobile users were being redirected ...

Marketing Tactics

Third Party or In-house? Every business has to decide whether their marketing plan and the execution of that plan should be done in-house or outsourced to an agency. The decision can depend on a certain number of factors such as the in-house skills available and the nature of the startup business. Here are some key differences between the two. In-house marketing versus outsourcing – key differences 1. Cost In-house marketing will require you to pay for training costs, recruitment fees,...

Marketing to Mobile Phone Users

I am frequently asked about marketing to cell phone users. First let's cover some earlier points I have made about why marketing to cell users is important. A 2011 National Health Interview survey (NHIS) indicates that the number of American homes with only wireless telephones is growing. More households (more than 3 in 10 homes) in the US now have only cell telephones. This 31.6% share is an increase of 1.9 percentage points over the second half of 2010. The survey also found that the per...

Bing Publishes SEO guide

Bing has just release their Webmaster Guidelines. No great revelations here, four things are needed to rank Content, Incoming Links,  Social Signals, and "indexation" (which sounds a lot like incoming links to me).  With Bing's ties to Facebook, Social Signals is one you should be paying particular attention to. They do highlight some technical things such as page load time, robots.txt, and sitemap, the document covers page structure, <H1> tags for headers an do on and Navigational s...