Yoast SEO Plug-in Exclude Category Warning

I use Yoast's SEO plug-in on the WordPress sites that I work with. I haven't always used Yoast's plug-in, but once it came along I switched everything over and haven't looked back. It's a great plug-in that I highly recommend to tune WordPress sites for search. I ran across a warning a few days ago that a feature is being discontinued and I wanted to alert my readers. The message is burred in the Permalinks settings of the plug-in, and it's marks a pretty significant change that could break i...

Discussing SEO with Ad4!’s Chris Gattis

John Allen was on Huntsville radio station WTKI 1450 AM / 92.9 FM this morning discussing SEO and website optimization with Chris Gattis of Ad4!. Ad4! is a company that specializes in social media, marketing strategy, consultation, publications, and media advertising. Chris's program "Communication That Counts" can be heard at 8:00 am  Thursdays at WTKI 1450 AM / 92.9 FM Huntsville, WEKI 1490 AM / 94.7 FM Decatur or on-line at https://wtkiradio.com

Bing Publishes SEO guide

Bing has just release their Webmaster Guidelines. No great revelations here, four things are needed to rank Content, Incoming Links,  Social Signals, and "indexation" (which sounds a lot like incoming links to me).  With Bing's ties to Facebook, Social Signals is one you should be paying particular attention to. They do highlight some technical things such as page load time, robots.txt, and sitemap, the document covers page structure, <H1> tags for headers an do on and Navigational s...

Local Ranking factors

The Basics: Immediately Actionable Items There are two different ways to look at the top local ranking factors: what matters and what you should work on. Several of the key factors to ranking are well are out of the typical company's grasp, but here is a list of 10 recommended factors that you can work on today. The actionable factors are: Your physical address matching/listing the city where you're located. Manually verifying your ownership of the company's Google Places page. Hav...

What Does Your Online Company Profile Look Like?

A New Age for Businesses - What Does Your Online Company Profile Look Like? Social media has changed the way that we market ourselves. Social Media is one of the largest avenues for advertising. ComScore reported on June 11, 2012 that over 82% of the world engages in online social networking. Consumers trust "social proof" over any other type of communication online. When they can see that you have customers interacting and talking about your product or service, a level of trust is develop...