The Domain Name / URL (Uniform Resource Locator) Recent studies indicate that search engines continue place a high value on the words in the domain name. Having a domain name like is far more likely to be found by someone looking for “Bike Parts in Huntsville” than Note: If you are in the process of purchasing a domain name, it is recommended that you register several variations, .co, .net, dashed, and non-dashed versions because you don’t want som...
Moresite optimization
Keyword Optimization for Google
Ever wonder what Google is 'thinking?' It is important to know how Google views your site, because if Google has the wrong impression, you will get traffic with high bounce rates. High bounce rates equate to decreased search engine relevance. You need to know that relevant terms are being found so you can locate any 'offending phrases' and eliminate them from your pages. You can start with Google's Webmaster tools. If you haven't signed up for this, you should. It's free and can be very he...